Important to all of us is how are we surviving or more so how are we living our daily lives today. With this pandemic crisis all over the globe someone we know or care for or simply don't know but do care for is affected by this crisis. We are hopefully practicing #stayhome during these times. However, some of us are not that fortunate to #stayhome but have to go out to either take care of patients, deliver groceries or medical facilities. However some of us are fortunate to have the luxury of staying home and must practice staying home. Though this is the best time for artists, writers and all the creative people to research on our work, create new works, create new ideas, join a community group and if you are not part of one simply start one. You could also give out tutorials online or make a simple video to share with people who are also home and would love to learn something. This is a great time to introspect, excercise, research, cook, learn new skills, organise our stud...